Salary Directory Chicago QA Test Automation Engineers

QA Test Automation Engineer Salary in Chicago

QA Test Automation Engineer Job Description

QA (Quality Assurance) test automation engineers develop and build automated tests using specialized programming languages and tools. They implement, design and create solutions to automate most of the manual testing preparation using scripts and codes. These engineers usually work in a team with test designers, product managers, developers and leads. They understand the requirements for the test, the application that's being tested and can identify problems. QA test automation engineers do their tasks in phases along with an acceptance test to see if there are any last-minute changes and improvements that may be required. They are knowledgeable about SQL, Java, Python, GUI test automation, web software quality assurance and software development methodologies like Agile and Scrum. These engineers have experience with automated testing tools, as well as black and white box testing. They stay up-to-date with the latest strategies and applications. QA test automation engineers usually have a bachelor's or master's degree in information technology, computer science, engineering and related fields.

Living and Working in Chicago

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. It's filled with plenty of growing markets from various sectors. Chicago is considered one of the top global financial centers in the world. This city is a major hub for telecommunications, industry and infrastructure. It's home to companies like Boeing, Abbott Laboratories and Caterpillar.

Known as "The Windy City", Chicago is bustling. Downtown is filled with towering skyscrapers like the Willis Tower and the John Hancock Center. The residents of this city enjoy their sport teams. There are also plenty of good eats, including deep dish pizza and the Chicago-style hot dog.

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Compare QA Test Automation Engineer salaries by region

QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $135,694
  3. Phoenix
  4. $128,600
  5. Los Angeles
  6. $126,666
  7. Seattle
  8. $125,812
  9. New York
  10. $122,691
  11. Philadelphia
  12. $121,330
  13. Dallas/Ft Worth
  14. $119,338
  15. Atlanta
  16. $116,250
  17. Washington D.C.
  18. $116,136
  19. Boston
  20. $112,538
  21. Tampa
  22. $105,000
  23. Denver
  24. $102,272
  25. Houston
  26. $101,111
  27. Austin
  28. $99,558
  29. Columbus
  30. $96,000
  31. Chicago
  32. $95,133
  33. Toronto
  34. C$78,125
  35. London
  36. £70,874
  1. SF Bay Area
  2. $135,694
  3. Phoenix
  4. $128,600
  5. Los Angeles
  6. $126,666
  7. Seattle
  8. $125,812
  9. New York
  10. $122,691
  11. Philadelphia
  12. $121,330
  13. Dallas/Ft Worth
  14. $119,338
  15. Atlanta
  16. $116,250
  17. Washington D.C.
  18. $116,136
  19. Boston
  20. $112,538
  21. Tampa
  22. $105,000
  23. Denver
  24. $102,272
  25. Houston
  26. $101,111
  27. Austin
  28. $99,558
  29. Columbus
  30. $96,000
  31. Chicago
  32. $95,133
  33. Toronto
  34. C$78,125
  35. London
  36. £70,874
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Where QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand

    QA Test Automation Engineers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, London, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: