
We are a small media/tech company dedicated to creating engaging, informative content for Americans aged 50-70. We're working to help our users make better decisions & lead more fulfilling lives.

Founded 2017
1-15 employees
Headquarters address
Tower 49, 12 E 49th St, New York, NY 10017

America is getting older -- more than 10,000 people in the country will turn 65 everyday for the next 12 years. And at the same time, older Americans are also getting more tech savvy. However, there are very few (we would argue almost zero) quality digital media companies specifically targeting this demographic with professional content and engaging online experiences.

These people are also beginning to turn online for their retirement and insurance needs, yet the options and solutions there are poor, confusing and outdated at best. So we are creating a new, modern digital brand to live at this cross section of media and tech for Americans aged 50-70.

We're growing fast, but we're still a small team. Your ideas and skills won't get lost or drowned out in an assembly line of developers. With us, you can have a large and immediate impact.

Join us as we try to stake our claim as the product leaders and innovators in this largely untouched space.

Tech stack

React, Wordpress, PHP, AWS


Health and wellness

Insurance (Health)
Insurance (Dental)
Insurance (Vision)
Insurance (Life)
Insurance (Disability)
Considerable - Work in a modern setting with tons of different common areas for a change of scenery
Considerable - Company Photo
Considerable - Company Photo
Considerable - Company Photo
Considerable - One of the many kitchens to choose from
Considerable - One of dozens of conference rooms to book and use