
Benchprep is the leading online LMS, trusted by some of the largest publishers and associations to provide a comprehensive solution across all devices.

Founded 2010
51-200 employees
  • Education
  • Headquarters address
    328 S Jefferson St #240, Chicago, IL 60661

    About Us

    BenchPrep is an enterprise SaaS learning platform for education and training companies to create and deliver personalized digital learning programs across multiple devices, including tablets, mobile devices, and desktop computers.

    BenchPrep is helping millions of people all around the world learn better and faster by leveraging the power of technology, data, usability engineering, and innovative instructional design models.

    More than 2 million learners have used BenchPrep. The world’s leading education organizations, including ACT, Hobsons, McGraw-Hill Education, The Princeton Review, and HR Certification Institute, also use BenchPrep to help learners improve outcomes.

    Who We Are

    We are a small group of driven, ambitious individuals committed to changing the landscape of education. We work hard, eat well, and have lots of fun. We work at BenchPrep because we love it. We are looking for talented and motivated professionals who are excited about the chance to leverage technology in order to impact the lives of millions of students.

    Tech stack

    JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Redis
    BenchPrep - Work with a bright and talented team at Benchprep
    BenchPrep - We celebrate festivities together in the office
    BenchPrep - We let you bring your furry companion into the office while you work
    BenchPrep - We have fun-filled outings outside of work for team bonding
    BenchPrep - We celebrate employee birthdays together with a treat
    BenchPrep - We have Plaid Days!
    BenchPrep - We work in a collaborative and supportive environment
    BenchPrep - We give out cool swag when you check us out at our conference booths